Each resource item does something different, for example Crude Rope is often used when making melee weapons, and Plant Fiber is used in lots of materials such as Fiber Bandage and an Eyepatch. Its tradeoff, however, is lowering the players overall attack damage. Its main perk is increasing the players resistance to damage. Without them you can do much in-game because they're used to craft items such Tools, Gear, Health, and more. 7,500 The Defense Badge is a trinket found in a skeleton in the Haze Lab, in the back of the room full of Infected Weevils. Resources are the materials used to craft items in Grounded. Grounded Free Download - The world is a vast, beautiful and dangerous place especially when you have been shrunk to the size of an ant. What Are Resources and What Do They Do in Grounded

Like the Prod Smacker, the Pinch Whacker is a Tier-3 Generic Tool and Melee Weapon in Grounded imbued with a Positive Effect called Short Circuit.

Listed below is a chart of all the materials you can use in Grounded. Published To find the Pinch Wacker in Grounded, players must enter a secret miniature laboratory known as the Berry Outpost, enterable only with an explosive.